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Monday, February 18, 2013

365 Days Of Gratitude: Day 48

Yesterday I was thankful for....

Australia specific Stake Conference. Once a year we have a video conference where the Prophet and selected General Authorities and general officers speak to us live via satellite. I look forward to it because, even more, I feel like I am receiving spiritual counsel just for me.
It didn't really turn out how I intended.
I had an argument with Michael just as I was getting ready and I ended up in tears and wasn't going to go. Luckily we worked it out in enough time to arrive 3 mins before conference started. However, I probably should have packed more activities for the kids due to it going for twice as long as normal. They were still well behaved considering they had to sit for 2 hours, but restless enough that I had trouble concentrating. *sigh*

Despite all that, I am glad I went. If anything...we sang my favourite hymn.

An hour of co-operation. I don't know how it happened, but before dinner we all started cleaning, bedrooms, playroom, mopping - and with no fighting between the kids OR Michael and I...Whaat!?! Within an hour the house felt great....it very rarely happens like that - a memory worth savouring.

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