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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year Detox: End of week 1 review

So week 1 of my New Year Detox  is done and it has been excellent!

The first couple of days (maybe 3) I was quite hungry between meals even though I was eating a good balance of fat, carbs and protein at every meal or snack (although I didn't have the coconut cream until day 3, and I adjusted my oats portions until I settled with the one below). That has settled down now and I am satisfied almost to my next meal.

I have been eating almost exactly the meals I had in the original post:-

Breakfast: 1/2 cup (uncooked) oats, cooked on water in the microwave. topped with 1/2 a banana, a few frozen blueberries, a tbsp-ish of flaxmeal, some mixed raw nuts and a dash of coconut cream. (so full after this and I usually can't quite finish it all!)

snack: if hungry a piece of fruit and some more nuts

Lunch: Spinach leaves, some diced cooked sweet potato, 1/2 a tomato, diced cucumber, shallots, maybe some red cabbage or capsicum and a good amount (not sure how much) toasted mixed seed (pepitas, sunflower seeds and pine nuts). Dressed with balsamic, virgin olive oil and chilli or if I am feeling asian soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, dash of sesame oil and chilli.

Snack: if hungry, cut up celery and carrot and more nuts or hummus.

Dinner: something involving beans or lentils, vegetables and brown rice.

Snack: I REALLY look forward to this! Fruit salad - watermelon, rockmelon, a few grapes (I think they are pretty sugary), half a peach or nectarine.

I have been having cravings - but surprisingly not for sugar, I guess that depends on what your poison is. I have been craving homemade meatless nachos, pizza and popcorn (although I managed to take my kids to movies and relatively easily go without -  a big thing for me!).....all junky, salty carbs! That is my poison.

My face has cleared up - Michael commented on how good it was looking last night. I don't know if its a combo of both, but I have been also washing it with an 3:1 castor/olive oil combo. Whatever it is I am happy with the results.

I weighed myself once - on Sunday (morning of day 4). Only because Michael was hassling me to, he broke my rules and weighted himself everyday! I had lost 2.3kg - though I question the accuracy of my original weigh-in as there may have been some water retention from all the junky food I had been eating. Either way my pants are fitting better already and my waist feels smaller. I can definitely tell the difference when I put my gym clothes on. Michael has lost 3-4kg in that last 7 days.

Exercise: In seven days I have only run 3 times (45mins-1hr), and did one pump (weights) class.

Definitely happy with my results!!!

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