I don't know what came over me - but yesterday I just felt like having a fire. It probably had a lot to do with dad cleaning out the shed and wanting to know if we wanted to check out the old tent and see if it could still be put up.....
I want to go camping - we have never been on a camping trip as a family and its something I would really love to do....
So anyway....I was in an excited "I want to go camping" mode and decided we could at least build a fire and cook marshmallow etc with the kids.....
so we did.....
The finished result
My damper efforts
I may have had a mini "fit" while making it - I wanted to make it by myself, and mum (though she won't admit it *wink*) and dad were offering advice and assistance......I was getting a little frustrated and stressing that now the dough was too wet etc....and then dad has the nerve to say "Natasha its DAMPER, it doesn't matter...." ARGH....Hahaha.....
A potentially fun event, yet in reality disastrous (only for parents maybe).....It was messy, the kids got sticky, Jack kept putting his marshmallow stick IN the ash, and complaining it was too hot when he was eating them - loads of toasted marshmallows got dropped on the ground.... BUT the kids had fun, so that's all that matters I guess.....I think I need to mellow out...*sigh* :)
Mmmm....damper with butter and golden syrup....soooo good!!
But oops, the whole bottom of it was burnt - next time I will put it in more of a hole and not just on top of the coals...
I would just like to say, the day definitely would not have been as fantastic if Michael wasn't there!
He went along with my idea
helped me collect wood
built the fire
hacked away at a decent size log with a blunt axe
helped me chill out over the damper (and everything else - I was in a rather bad mood for some reason)
was awesome with the kids
toasted marshmallows for me while I was helping Jack with his
was hilariously whingey when Ash kept getting sticky marshmallow all over his jeans (*wink*)
When the kids went to bed we sat by the fire, looked at the stars and talked about the universe.....
He showed me the Southern Cross and how to find South in the night sky.
So Michael, I know you are not ticked off and didn't want me to amend my entry - But I am glad you said something, because as it was, such a brilliant day was not accurately represented....Thanks for being part of it, and making memories with us....I loved it! :)